S. Andrew Swann

Moreau Omnibus: Forests of the Night/Emperors of the Twilight/Specters of the Dawn

Book DescriptionThe first three Moreau novels in one omnibus edition! The Moreau novels by S. Andrew Swann blend the thrills of science fiction, mystery, and intrigue with the chills of genetic engineering-in a highly acclaimed series that...

Kameron Franklin

Maiden of Pain : The Priests (Forgotten Realms: The Priests)

Book Description Fourth in a new series of standalone adventures about the clerics of the Forgotten Realms world. Maiden of Pain is the fourth title in a new Forgotten Realms novel series focusing specifically on priests, the popular D&D®...

Philip C. DeJulio

Was That You?

Book Description Meet Keith Austin, the most unique person in the entire world. What makes him so unique is that when Keith falls asleep and dreams, he is alive wherever he is sleeping, but he is also alive and doing whatever the sleeping Keith is...

Wolfgang Sonne

Representing the State: Capital City Planning in the Early Twentieth Century

Book DescriptionIn this work of exceptional scholarship, Wolfgang Sonne examines the relationship between city planning and politics. He analyzes a handful of exemplary cities?Washington, D.C., Berlin, Canberra, and New Delhi ?each of...

Гельмут Лаукс, Феликс Лирманн

Основы организации

В этой книге разрабатываются структурные концепции решения организационных проблем. На примере постановки важных организационных задач показывается, как требуется работать с этими концепциями и какие способы решения проблем являются...

The Cambridge Companion to the African American Novel (Cambridge Companions to Literature)

Book DescriptionThis Companion presents new essays covering the one hundred and fifty year history of the African American novel....

David Almond

Kate, the Cat and the Moon

Book DescriptionKate has just drifted off to sleep when a mysterious white cat appears at her window and beckons her out into the night. As Kate follows, she feels herself changing–her ears growing and peaking, her teeth growing tiny and...

Victor Serge

The Case of Comrade Tulayev (New York Review Books Classics)

Book DescriptionA high government official is shot on the street, and the hunt for the killer begins. The search leads all over the world, netting a series of suspects whose only connection is their innocence - at least of this crime. But The Case...

Ron Fry

Como Organizar Mejor Tu Tiempo (Educacion Y Sociedad)

The personal survey provided in this time management book helps individuals come to their own conclusions about which strategies are best for them, leading readers to create a personalized self-help plan. Offered are tips for establishinggoals and...

Tristan Corbiere

The Centenary Corbiere: Selected Poems and Prose (Fyfield Books)

Book DescriptionTristan Corbiere (1845-1875) evoked the peasants and sailors of his native Brittany, the bohemians and prostitutes of Paris, in a vivid, fast-paced language that gave a new voice to French poetry and made him a pivotal figure in...

К. Симонов

Так называемая личная жизнь (Из записок Лопатина)

Роман в трех повестях: "Четыре шага", "Двадцать дней без войны" и "Мы не увидимся с тобой..." рассказывает о жизни военного корреспондента Лопатина и о том, что пришлось увидеть ему на дорогах войны. ...

<<<  Валентин Черных. Тесты для настоящих мужчин             Т. В. Кашанина. Корпоративное (внутрифирменное) ... >>>

Brian Dive. The Healthy Organization: A Revolutionary Approach To People Почта Транслит Питер Андерсен. Язык тела Лексикография. Информационный бюллетень. House of Worship: Sacred Spaces in America. - Юкио Мисима. Жажда любви Федор Зарин. Тайна поповского сына Wireless Communications and Mobile Commerce. Joel Smith. Saul Steinberg: Illuminations Гогле А. М. Орехов. Интеллектуальная собственность. Опыт Поиск людей Ливе КМ Поиск работы Андре Филипп. Сталь Мой мир
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