П. А. Вяземский

Вяземский. Стихотворения

П. А. Вяземский (1792 - 1878) - видный писатель пушкинской эпохи - поэт, критик, публицист, друг А. С. Пушкина. Вяземский был захвачен в молодости декабристскими настроениями, отразившимися в его вольнолюбивых стихотворениях, которые в свое время...

Jeffrey A. Berk

Champions of Change

Book DescriptionThis book is a teaching tool for all managers. It educates managers on the concepts and tools needed to make changes in the areas for which they have accountability. By reading this book the reader will be able to: v Manage...

Marie-Jo Lafontaine

Babylon Babies

Book DescriptionAmid her current explorations of multilayered topics such as identity, the city, cultural spaces in urban areas, and youth culture, Belgian artist Marie-Jo Lafontaine presents her newest series, Babylon Babies . Comprised of...

Jeremy Vest

Exploring Web Design (Design Exploration Series)

Book Description Exploring Web Design provides a valuable introduction to the design fundamentals at work in all well-designed Web sites. The result of an award-winning Web designer?s mission to teach these building blocks in clear, direct, and...

Michaela Boland

Aussiewood : Australia's Leading Actors and Directors Tell How They Conquered Hollywood

Book Description A generation of Australians have conquered Hollywood, and this collection showcases the wealth and diversity of talent they bring to both sides of the camera. The A-list of stars includes critically acclaimed actor Geoffrey...

Adam Juniper

Digital Photo Fun Factory

Book DescriptionDigital photography has revolutionized the way people capture, store, share, and display their memories. But snapping that digital photo of the baby, the pooch, or the sunset over Key West is just the beginning of a wondrous realm of...

Maria Piscopo

The Graphic Designer's and Illustrator's Guide to Marketing and Promotion

Book DescriptionProviding an in-depth guide to the latest industry trends, technologies, and business secrets of marketing, this book will help designers and illustrators create and implement a sophisticated marketing and self-promotion system for...

Anne Rice

La momia

Book Description Upon awakening in Edwardian London, Ramses the Great drinks the elixir of life and transforms into Ramses the Damned, doomed forever to wander the earth, and desperate to quell hungers that can never be satisfied. Although he...

Eliza R. L. McGraw

Two Covenants: Representations Of Southern Jewishness (Southern Literary Studies)

Book DescriptionJews have long occupied visible roles in the South. Jewish families have owned establishments ranging from dry-goods stores to Thomas Jefferson?s Monticello, and some of the region?s most important writers and scholars have...

Icon Health Publications

Sleep Deprivation: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References

Book DescriptionIn March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information...

C. D. Andriesse

Huygens : The Man Behind the Principle

Book DescriptionThe life and work of the seventeenth-century Dutch mathematician and physicist, Christiaan Huygens (1629-1695)....

<<<  Ferlicchia Heather. Commercial English. ...             Т. В. Кашанина. Корпоративное (внутрифирменное) ... >>>

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