Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W Westerfield, Bradford D Jordan

Ready Notes to accompany Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

Every slide from PowerPoint and the acetates (except for solutions) are printed out for student in a handy note-taking device....

Robert Hall


Zero Inventories is the definitive work on JIT! It is written for the key people in industry--managers, engineers, staff professionals and foremen, showing how to solve inventory problems and achieve stockless production. Its wide range of topics...

John J. McGonagle, Carolyn M. Vella

A New Archetype for Competitive Intelligence

McGonagle and Vella maintain that competitive intelligence as we know it is just the first step toward the creation of true "corporate intelligence." Their book thus explores ways in which new channels of communication and new uses of information...

Robert Hargrove, Robert Hargrove

Masterful Coaching Delux Set (book/fieldbook/facilitator guide)

A ready-made training program that works! Based on Robert Hargrove's acclaimed five-step coaching model--field-tested by thousands of leaders world-wide--these tools will help you create a comprehensive training program for your...

Business & Research Associates, BRA

The UK Market for Office Furniture

This report provides a collection of statistical data and forecasts on the office furniture industry in Britain. It contains information on the value of manufacturers' deliveries for all sectors of this market. The report also covers distribution...

The One Club, Kevin Swanepoel

One Show Interactive Vol V: Advertising's Best Interactive And New Media

See a year’s worth of award-winning work from the One Show Interactive —the top competition for new media—and use the two accompanying DVDs to connect directly to the best examples of interactive media. In a large, beautiful...

Patrick B. Forsyth, Marilyn Tallerico

City Schools: Leading the Way

By understanding the realities, complex relationships and conditions of practice that influence urban schooling, educators can take advantage of the opportunities that urban settings present. The authors identify nine key problems of practice...

Bonnie A. Nardi

Context and Consciousness: Activity Theory and Human-Computer Interaction

Intended for designers and researchers, Context and Consciousness brings together 13 contributions that apply activity theory to problems of human-computer interaction. Understanding how people actually use computers in their everyday lives is...

Charles Ess

Philosophical Perspectives on Computer-Mediated Communication (Suny Series in Computer-Mediated Communication)

The rush to the Information Superhighway and the transition to an Information Age have enormous political, ethical, and religious consequences. The essays collected here develop both interdisciplinary and international perspectives on privacy,...

Joe Habraken

10 Minute Guide to Microsoft(R) FrontPage 2002

Because most people don't have the luxury of sitting down uninterrupted for hours at a time to learn FrontPage, this 10-Minute Guide focuses on the most often used features, covering them in lessons designed to take 10 minutes or less to...

E-Business, E-Government Ifip Conference on E-Commerce, Beat Schmid, Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, Volker Tschammer

Towards the E-Society

Towards the E-Society is a state-of-the-art book which deals with innovative trends in communications systems, information processing, and security and trust in electronic commerce, business, and government. The book contains recent results of...

<<<  О. П. Зеленяк. Решение задач по планиметрии. Технология алгоритмического ...             Т. В. Кашанина. Корпоративное (внутрифирменное) ... >>>

Каталог софта О. Н. Салманов. Эконометрика Бредли Тревор Грив. Дорогая мамочка. Спасибо тебе за все Большой театр в конце XVIII века. Открытка. Издательство В. А. Шнирельман. Войны памяти. Мифы, идентичность и политика в Закавказье Ю. Е. Пудовочкин. Ответственность за преступления против несовершеннолетних О. В. Старостин. Зарубежные микропроцессоры и их аналоги. MUSICI. VIVALDI ED. Исполнитель: MUSICI SHADOWS FALL. FALLOUT FROM THE WAR. Исполнитель: Martin Shubik. Money and Financial Institutions Karmahacker. Bending The Reality. Timing; I'M In Love; Bending Roxanna Ryder. Chasing the King Е. Г. Малинина. Учусь шить Яхта "Pilotage Gemini". Радиоуправляемая модель. Счетчик Программы Поиск работы Юлия Юзик. Невесты Аллаха. Лица и судьбы всех женщин-шахидок, взорвавшихся Хрестоматия по литературе. 8 класс. В 2 частях. Часть 2. Данная учебная Привет, я родилась! Альбом для записей и
Дзержинск, Бийск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Мурманск, Норильск, Майкоп, Тольятти, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Кострома, Коломна, Рубцовск, Октябрьский, ВеликийНовгород, Октябрьский,
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