O. Dan Nwaelele

Your Company Safety and Health Manual: Programs, Policies and Procedures for Preventing Accidents and Injuries in the Workplace

Your company safety and health policies alone are not enough. Your plans and procedures need to be effectively communicated to your employees. If they aren't, you may be violating OSHA standards. This useful manual provides you with effective...

Michael D. Beyard

Developing Retail Entertainment Destinations

Today's most exciting trend in the shopping center industry is the creation of retail entertainment destinations. This book describes how the industry has evolved, best practices in development, and how this concept has been incorporated into...


Palau a Spy Guide

Strategic and practical information on government, national security, army, foreign and domestic politics, conflicts, relations with the US, international activity, economy, technology, mineral resources, culture, traditions, govt...

Tom Curtin, Jacqueline Jones

Managing Green Issues

The management of environmental has become a key concern for many companies. Not only do these issues influence how an organization is seen and how its reputation is judged, it has huge implications for the organization's success, brand values...

Martin Kuhn, Martin C. Kuhn

Managing Innovation in the Minerals Industry

Marketplace survival depends on a company's capacity to react to innovation and technological advances. The challenges have never been so great or moved so quickly. The ability to cope with these fast-paced developments and to make good decisions on...

Glen L. Urban, John R. Hauser

Design and Marketing Of New Products (2nd Edition)

A complete and practical, how-to exploration of each step in the strategy, opportunity identification, design, testing, launch, and profit-management stages of new-product development. Revision of over 75% of the book ... offers a managerial...

Karyn Wellhousen, Judith E. Kieff

A Constructivist Approach to Block Play in Early Childhood

The value of block building in early childhood programs is reinforced in this new and comprehensive book. Current issues of interest to educators and parents receive special attention: how gender influences block play, establishing home-school...

Angelika Langer, Klaus Kreft

Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales: Advanced Programmer's Guide and Reference

Aimed at the advanced C++ programmer, Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales explains the internals of how C++ streams work and provides support for internationalization. It explains the inner details of architecture and design of these important...

Enrico Gregori, Giuseppe Anastasi, Stefano Basagni, Gregori Enrico, Networking

Advanced Lectures on Networking

This book presents the revised version of seven tutorials given at the NETWORKING 2002 Conference in Pisa, Italy in May 2002. The lecturers present a coherent view of the core issues in the following areas: - peer-to-peer computing and...

Thomas Muck, Ray West

Dreamweaver MX 2004: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guide)

Create dynamic Web sites and applications using the functional power of Dreamweaver MX 2004. Web experts Tom Muck and Ray West walk you through Web site and application development using all the tools and features available to you from the new...

Михаэль Лайтман

Развитие души

Желание, которое не идет на компромиссы, не дает забыться в житейских радостях и невзгодах, желание, которое требует познать, наконец, смысл и цель своего существования в этом мире. Такое желание называется "душа". Душа... Высший свет... Как...

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