Уильям Кинг

Космический Волк

Для любого мужчины, рожденного в суровом мире Фенриса, нет участи достойнее, чем доблестная гибель в битве. Но лишь для самых яростных бойцов за порогом смерти открываются врата Дома Русса - обители воинственного бога Фенриса. Юному Рагнару...

Эдвард Радзинский

Еще раз про любовь

В сборник сочинений Эдварда Радзинского вошли следующие произведения: О любви к театру; 104 страницы про любовь; История про любовь; Месть; Конец одного стихотворения; Лицо; ...

Compensation for Personal Injury in a Comparative Perspective

Book DescriptionThis study provides an overview of the law and practice of compensation for personal harm in ten European jurisdictions (Austria, Belgium, England, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland), each...

Sameer Kumar

New Product Development : An Empirical Approach to Study of the Effects of Innovation Strategy, Organization Learning and Market Conditions

Book Description This is an authored book based upon a survey of a large number of companies, on the role of organization learning and innovation strategy in successful new product development. The audience for these insights is any practitioner...

Laura Chung

Vault Career Guide to the Energy Industry

Book DescriptionWith concerns about energy security and new advances in renewable energy resources, the energy industry is sure to be one of the most exciting and important career fields in the 21st century....

Harold Kerzner

Advanced Project Management : Best Practices on Implementation

Book DescriptionAuthoritative strategies for implementing project management Senior managers at world-class corporations open their office doors to discuss case studies that demonstrate their thought processes and actual strategies that...

Godfrey Harris

The Hottest Ideas in Word of Mouth Advertising: What Works, What Doesn'T, What's Fake, and Why

Book DescriptionWord of mouth advertising is recognized as the oldest, least expensive, and most effective form of market promotion available. While it can be more productive than media advertising, public relations, and product packaging in...

Ben Gazzara

In the Moment: My Life as an Actor

Book DescriptionIn the Moment is an intimate memoir by the quintessential "actor's actor." Ben Gazzara established his name at the Actor's Studio in 1952. Working under Elia Kazan and Lee Strasberg, alongside Marlon Brando and James Dean, and...

Bart Rulon

Artists Photo Reference Wildlife

Book DescriptionWildlife is an endless source of inspiration for artists of all kinds. This unique reference features hundreds of dynamic, high-quality photographs from which artists can create wildlife compositions right in the comfort of their own...

Karin Niedermeier

Pizza Art : The most delicious pieces of art you have ever eaten!

Book DescriptionPizza is a universal food -- beloved here in the United States, where statistics show that Americans consume more than 100 acres of pizza a day. That's about 350 slices a second! With the help of this innovative idea book, pizza...

Nirmal Puwar

Fashion Theory: Volume 7, Issues 3 and 4 : The Journal of Dress, Body and Culture (Fashion Theory)

Book Description Contents: Special Double Issue on Fashion and Orientalism Dorinne Kondo, author of Crafting Selves and About Face, in interview with Nirmal Puwar Nirmal Puwar, University College Northampton Skin Deep – A...

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Яхо Все о Линукс Планета Mobile. Benq-Siemens. Ты уверен, что знаешь Энциклопедия современной хозяйки. Как часто нам приходится слышать о том, Дж. Фоулер. Кавалерийские части Германии и ее союзников во Второй Paul Nakai, Ron Schultz. The Mindful Corporation Секреты женской косметики. В настоящее время существует множество разнообразных James L. Antonakos. The 68000 Microprocessor Ричард Хиггинс. Отношения с инвесторами: Анатолий Могилевский. Grand Collection. Я Вас люблю, мадам; Америка - Россия; Попов К.Н.. Материаловедение для каменщиков и монтажников конструкций. Знакомства
Брянск, Нефтекамск, Королёв, Иркутск, Энгельс, Химки,
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