Richard Hage

Ancient Designs

Book DescriptionJareth Sykr, President and technical lead of Sykrcorp, is a lone technological visionary in a galaxy of technological stagnation and industrial ruin. The Society for Ethical Development, led by anti-technology zealots since its...

Музыкальная книжка. Колыбельные

Открой книгу и, нажимая на разноцветные кнопки, пропой веселые песенки вместе с Винни и его друзьями из Сказочного леса! ...

E. C. Tupper

Introduction to Naval Architecture, Fourth Edition : Formerly Muckle's Naval Architecture for Marine Engineers

Book DescriptionThe fundamental characteristics of a ships design, and how they affect its behaviour at sea are of crucial importance to many people involved in the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of all marine vessels. Naval...

Michael R. Phillips

George Macdonald: A Biography Of Scotland's Beloved Storyteller

Book DescriptionIn this extensive biography, Michael Phillips paints a revealing portrait of George MacDonald. Phillips uses the facts of MacDonald?s life to shape a picture of the man, set against the Scottish land he loved. Looking at both...

Literature And Film: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Film Adaptation

Book DescriptionLiterature and Film is a superb collection of vibrant essays that chart the history and confluence of literature and film. Bringing together the very latest scholarship in the field, this guide contains astute and readable...

Periel Aschenbrand

The Only Bush I Trust Is My Own

Book DescriptionPeriel Aschenbrand loathes Internet dating, Republicans, TV, junk food, and stockbrokers. She is twenty-eight years old, lives in New York and Los Angeles, accessorizes Dolce & Gabbana with a "F*ck Bush" necklace, and wakes up...

H. Charles, M.D. Fishman

Enduring Change in Eating Disorders: Interventions with long-term results

Book DescriptionEnduring Change in Eating Disorders provides a unique perspective on the successful treatment of eating disorders, which are among the most debilitating and recalcitrant psychiatric diseases. For therapists, this book will broaden an...

Jasmine Guy

Afeni Shakur : Evolution Of A Revolutionary

Book Description One of the most visible figures in both the hip-hop and civil rights movements charts her moral and spiritual development in a stirring and poignant memoir spanning five decades. As a child growing up in North Carolina, Alice...

Steven L. Rogers

Sailors & God

Book DescriptionFast paced, soul gripping, heart wrenching stories about sailors who walked as if they were on the streets of heaven, until they decided to march down a road leading to a fiery hell. ...

Tim Bogenn

The Hulk Official Strategy Guide

Book Description BradyGames' The Hulk Official Strategy Guide provides an in-depth walkthrough including area maps. Detailed combos and puzzle solutions. Incredible boss strategies will help gamers crush every foe. Coverage of all three...

The Many Faces of Philosophy: Reflections from Plato to Arendt

Book DescriptionPhilosophy is a dangerous profession, risking censorship, prison, even death. And no wonder: philosophers have questioned traditional pieties and threatened the established political order. Some claimed to know what was thought...

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