Yun-Wing Sung

The Emergence Of Greater China: The Economic Integration of Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong (Studies on the Chinese Economy)

The fusion of know-how and capital from Hong Kong and Taiwan with the substantial labour resources on China has led to the emergence of a dynamic economy of "Greater China" rivalling the USA, the European Union and Japan. What is the nature and...

Peg Pickering, Jonathan How to Make the Most of Your Workday Clark

How to Make the Most of Your Workday

This revised and updated edition of How to Make the Most of Your Workday will help you learn how to work smarter, not harder. It is packed with tools, techniques, advice, and activities to help you permanently change the way you work and live. ...

Stephen Lambert

Great Jobs for Sociology Majors, 2nd Ed.

Answers the question, "What can I do with a major in . . . ?" Students can explore their career options within their field of study using the Great Jobs series as their guide. From assessing individual talents and skills to taking...

Braiding Gallery

How to Weave, Cut, Curl & Style (Lela's Braiding Gallery)

Learn how to weave, cut, curl and style. A variety of finished trendsetting looks are also featured, helping you and your clients select their finished styles....

Andrew C. Payne, John V. Chelsom, Lawrence R. P. Reavill

An Introduction to Management for Engineers

Why should the student of engineering study management? Engineering skills alone do not meet real world requirements; they have to be supplemented by management training. In fact, after graduation, most engineers will find that their success depends...

Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller, Jeffrey Paul

Should Differences in Income and Wealth Matter? (Social Philosophy & Policy S.)

The essays in this volume assess the empirical and theoretical questions raised by inequalities of income and wealth. Some consider empirical claims about the amount of equality in modern market economies, assessing the allegation that income and...

Albert Fishlow, Karen Parker

Growing Apart: The Causes and Consequences of Global Wage Inequality

Although the dollar value of international trade in goods and services is dwarfed by that of cross-border capital flows, trade over time has had a significantly greater effect on the lives of ordinary individuals in the United States and around the...

Julian Birkinshaw

Entrepreneurship in the Global Firm (Strategy Series)

`A major contribution of this exciting book is the perspective of the subsidiary manager operating network... In its extreme version this means that all managers are subsidiary managers challenging those who still view multinationals as...

Festus E. Obiakor, Bob Algozzine

It Even Happens in "Good" Schools: Responding to Cultural Diversity in Today's Classrooms

Foreword by Bob Algozzine Afterword by Robert Rueda This insightful work offers case studies, observations, and...

Энца Беттелли

Золотая энциклопедия хозяйки

Вы любите свой дом? Вам удалось сделать его красивым, уютным и неповторимым? Вы с упоением выращиваете цветы и получаете истинное наслаждение от общения со своей собакой? Вам нравится принимать гостей и угощать их вкусными блюдами? И при этом вы...

Rob Payne, Kevin Manweile, Bob Payne, Kevin Manweiler

CCIE: Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Study Guide, Second Edition

The Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE) certification is one of the most highly valued IT certifications, pursued by many but possessed by few. Cisco recently "refreshed" both the written and laboratory exam requirements for CCIE, and in...

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Brian Michael Bendis. The Pulse Vol. 1: Thin Air Билайн Л. И. Звавич, Л. Я. Шляпочник, И. И. Кулагина. Алгебра и начала I-Digger. Аймоны - кто это? Ученые воссоздали ДНК Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры. Василий Ярослав Адрианов. Российские серебряные монеты 1832-1858 годов Юрий Никитин. Гиперборей Конспекты уроков для учителя литературы. 9-10 Из рук в руки Гражданский кодекс Республики Казахстан. Настоящее издание продолжает серию Ivan Vartanian. Typo-Graphics: The Art and Science of Type Design Вики Райдер Хаггард. Жемчужина Востока. Бэнита
Димитровград, Набережные Челны, Пенза, Кострома,
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