Миллион меню. Праздничный стол (на спирали)

Новая книга серии "Миллион меню" в оригинальном оформлении -это подарок для вас и ваших друзей. Три перекидных блока, которые легко перелистываются в разных направлениях, - замечательная возможность составлять меню по вашему вкусу. ...

Андрей Воронин

Му-му. Курьер

Говорят, здоровье не купишь. Так, возможно, было когда-то, но сейчас все по-другому. Сегодня можно купить здоровье, даже жизнь, только денег нужно много. И Сергей Дорогин понимает: столько не заработать легально. Идти в услужение к бандитам?...

Марк Ламброн

Странники в ночи

История легендарной эпохи, ярких судеб и большой любви. Роман "Странники в ночи" переносит нас в самую гущу культурной жизни 60-70-х годов, воссоздавая противоречивый дух и колорит того времени....

Michael D. Kelleher

Profiling the Lethal Employee

In this exploration of new possibilities for the reduction of workplace violence and occupational homicide within a variety of work environments, Kelleher examines the crimes of the lethal employee or ex-employee and develops a profile of...

John P. Powelson

The Moral Economy

When all the momentous current changes in technology and social structure have run their course, we will have created a new world society. Will this society--the total complex of who we are and how we behave--resolve our major economic and...

Debbe Kennedy, Sally K. Green, Frances Hesselbein, Peter F. Drucker Foundations

Action Dialogues: Meaningful Conversations to Accelerate Change (Diversity Breakthrough! Strategic Action Series)

This boxed-for-travel set is a complete toolkit to help you conduct three distinctive "action dialogues" about diversity and inclusion in your organization whenever the need or opportunity arises. It comes with an inspiring and informative book with...

Neil FitzGerald, Ryan Marples, Naisan Geula, Bob Coates, James Edkins, Michael Voloshko

Special Edition Using Crystal Reports 10 (Special Edition Using)

Special Edition Using Crystal Reports is a reference guide designed to provide hands-on experience with the latest release of the product suite. The latest version of the Crystal Reporting Suite, delivers vast enhancements that drive...

John Naisbitt

Megachallenges; A Compass for the 21st Century (Japanese Language Edition)

[This book is written in Japanese.] This book is one of the Tachibana Publishing Future Book Series (Japanese Edition), a series of books with the world’s leading futurists and social analysts. This series looks at future perspectives...

James D. Best

The Digital Organization : AlliedSignal's Success with Business Technology

A detailed road map for integrating technology into your organization's core structure In this one-of-a-kind book, James Best—former Vice President of AlliedSignal's Computing and Network Operations—shows you how to turn your...

Leslie Rae

Developing Your Training Skills

Leslie Rae needs no introduction to professional trainers who have relied on the expert advice in both his books and journalism over the years. At last this renowned expert in the field turns his hand to offering those new to training a handy guide...

Jack Wilkerson

Iron Bond : Millennium Marketing in American Automotive

The year is 2020. What will the automotive Millenium Marketplace be like? What are the 5 new "levels" of brand management? What are "co-op" car dealerships all about? Who is the new "Consumer 2000?" Why has the Science of Chaos...

<<<  Лиз Бурбо. Ответственность, обязательство, чувство ...             Р. Заллет. Дипломатическая служба >>>

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