Patrick Heenan, Monique Lamontagne

The Cis Handbook (Regional Handbooks of Economic Development, 4)

The Regional Handbooks of Economic Development series provides accessible overviews of countries within their larger domestic and international contexts, focusing on the relations among regions as they meet the challenges of the twenty first...

Robert P. Haining

Spatial Data Analysis: Theory and Practice

Are there geographic clusters of disease cases, or hotspots of crime? Can the geography of air quality be matched to where people hospitalized for respiratory complaints actually live? Spatial data is data about the world where the attribute of...

John Martin

Organizational Behaviour

This comprehensive and accessible introduction to organizational behaviour balances sociological and psychological perspectives to provide the perfect core text for students at undergraduate and MBA level. John Martin successfully blends theory,...

Ann Horan Rodrigues

English That Works

English That Works presents a readable, conversational approach to business writing. The Second Edition includes updated, in-text examples, supplemental exercises following every new skill, and end-of-chapter exercises that provide a...

Richard E. Nance, James D. Arthur

Managing Software Quality

What should be every software organization's primary goal? Managing Software Quality. Producing and sustaining the high quality of products and processes in evolutionary systems are at the core of software engineering, and it is only through a...

Henri L. Beenhakker

Investment Decision Making in the Private and Public Sectors

The analysis of investment decisions today draws upon a wide range of sources, from economics and finance to engineering economy and operations research. Dr. Beenhakker's book reflects this interdisciplinary approach, and without assuming prior...

John A. Mullaney

REITs : Building Profits with Real Estate Investment Trusts

A timely and authoritative guide to today?s hottest new investment vehicles "Finally, a book that covers REITs from A to Z that is understandable to both the layperson and the expert alike. John Mullaney is one of the very few real estate...

Martin Stein, Frank Voehl

Macrologistics Management: A Catalyst for Organizational Change

Macrologistics Management defines the term "Macrologistics" as a means for designing a catalyst for change in any organization. The "macro" approach means seeing the big picture-to use time and place strategies for competitive advantage. It is a...

Mark Minasi, Christa Anderson, Michele Beveridge, C. A. Callahan, Lisa Justice

Mastering Windows Server 2003

If you're a current or aspiring Windows administrator or consultant, look no further than Mastering Windows Server 2003 for the in-depth, comprehensive, unbiased, and highly readable (some would even say entertaining) coverage readers have come to...

Jef Raskin

The Humane Interface: New Directions for Designing Interactive Systems

This unique guide to interactive system design reflects the experience and vision of Jef Raskin, the creator of the Apple Macintosh project. Other books may show how to use today's widgets and interface ideas effectively. Raskin, however,...

Fastplanet Technologies, FastPlanet Technologies

Crystal Reports 6.0 New User Workshop

Crystal Reports New User Workshop 6.0. A detailed and indepth training manual for those just learning Crytal Reports 6.0...

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РБК Ли Гринвуд. Безумное пари Газета.ру Яхо А. Л. Вернер, А. П. Карп. Математика. 11 класс Эдит Несбит. Пятеро детей и Чудище КМ Д. М. Златопольский. Сборник задач по программированию Российская газета Газета.ру Русское радио Dreena Burton. Vive le Vegan! : Simple, Delectable Ханс-Георг Шуманн. C++ для детей Hawkins, Sophie B.. If I Was Your Girl - The Best Of. Виртуальные открытки Ливе Marta Brooks, Sarah Caverhill, Julie Stark. Зигфрид Ауст. Атомная энергия Энциклопедия современной хозяйки. Как часто нам приходится слышать о том, Почта Яхо Путешествия
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