John Steinbeck

The Pearl

Coyotito, the baby boy, is to be the future for his parents, the young couple Kino and Juana, pearl fishers on the Gulf of California. The boy is to go to school and learn to read, so that he will know what is in the books. That will give knowledge...

Л. В. Крестова

Комментарий к комедии Н. В. Гоголя "Ревизор"

Москва, 1933 год. Кооперативное издательство "Мир". Издательская обложка. Сохранность издания хорошая. В настоящем издании представлен полный текст комедии Н.Гоголя "Ревизор" и комментарии к ней по действиям. Также описана история работы...

Б. П. Гейдман, И. Э. Мишарина, Е. А. Зверева

Математика. 1 класс. 2 полугодие

Учебник содержит большое количество упражнений, способствующих прочному усвоению счета. Значительное место занимают геометрический материал, задания развивающего характера и задачи на сообразительность. Допущено Министерством образования и...

Victoria Lawson

Making Development Geography (Human Geography in the Making)

This enlightening book offers a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental debates for anyone with an interest in development issues....

Kazuo Koike, Goseki Kojima

Samurai Executioner Volume 5 (Samurai Executioner)

Striking similarities between Lone Wolf & Cub and Koike and Kojima's sidebar storyline Samurai Executioner (known as Kubikiri Asa in Japan) are evident in the cool attitude, rebellious honor, and unflappable bushido of the lead characters of both...

Matsuri Akino

Pet Shop of Horrors, Vol. 5

Can the Kirin, a mythical creature of good fortune, fulfill one man's ambition of becoming President of the United States? Mayhem ensues when Leon's younger brother, Christopher, spends a day with Count D. True horror occurs when Count D comes face...

Ellen A. Ensher, Susan E. Murphy

Power Mentoring: How Successful Mentors and Proteges Get the Most Out of Their Relationships

Written to reflect the realities of today’s business environment, Power Mentoring is a nuts-and-bolts guide for anyone who wants to create a connection with a protA©gA© or mentor, or to improve a current mentoring relationship. Filled...

Marsha Collier

eBay Business All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies (For Dummies (Business & Personal Finance))

Bestselling author Marsha Collier presents readers with an all-new guide that goes beyond all previous eBay business books, offering one-stop guidance on eBay techniques as well as entrepreneurial fundamentals. She provides in-depth coverage on the...

Mikhail Shwydkoi

Russia!: Nine Hundred Years of Masterpieces and Master Collections

Building upon 20 years of groundbreaking exhibitions of Russian avant-garde art--including The Great Utopia: Russian and Soviet Art 1915-1932 (1992) and Kazimir Malevich: Suprematism (2003), among others--the Solomon R. Guggenheim...

Degas by Himself (Artist by Himself)

this beautiful volume offers an astonishingly rich and detailed view of one of the greatest French artists of the nineteenth century. In addition to over 250 color illustrations, this work draws on a range of sources - from the artist's own...

Megan E. Bryant

All Aboard Reading Station Stop 1 Dance With Me!

Strawberry and Ginger both want the ballet solo in the big dance recital—and they’ll have to audition to decide who gets it. But when the girls decide to share the solo, both of them shine in a duet that wows all of Strawberryland!...

<<<  Под редакцией Ю. Д. Третьякова. Неорганическая химия. В 3 томах. Том 3. Химия ...             Р. Заллет. Дипломатическая служба >>>

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