Christraud M. Geary

In and Out of Focus: Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960

Book Description This book accompanies an exhibition at the National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution, on the role of photography in Central Africa. This is the first book to link two related themes: the role of photographic images...

William D. Reynolds

The Magistrate: Lykos Reborn

Book DescriptionIn the early second century A.D., a conscientious Roman magistrate assumes his duties in the tranquil Bithynian city of Diakropolis, unaware that under its placid surface, a great and ancient evil holds sway over the town and its...

Deborah Hautzig

Little Witch Learns to Read (Step into Reading)

Book DescriptionGuess who’s learning to read? Little Witch is—and she loves it. But Mother Witch won’t allow nice books about princesses and princes in the house! Little Witch resorts to using invisibility spells and staying up...

Scott Lobdell

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Viva Las Buffy (Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Dark Horse))

Book DescriptionThe Buffy saga takes a bold new direction under the guidance of former X-Men writers Lobdell and Nicieza. It's 1996, and Buffy Summers has just accepted her role as the Vampire Slayer. After the destruction of her high school, she...

Jeffrey L. Kwall

The Federal Income Taxation of Corporations, Partnerships, Limited Liability Companies, and Their Owners, Third Edition (University Casebook Series)

Book DescriptionThe Third Edition of this Federal Income Taxation casebook includes many updates to Internal Revenue Code provisions that apply to the three business tax regimes, the C Corporation, the S Corporation and the Partnership....

Karyn Langhorne

Street Level : An Urban Fairytale

Book Description Ex-gangbanger Thea kicked thug life to the curb when her testimony put her ex-lover, the brutal kingpin Jango, in prison. Now she's giving back to the streets she came from, running her own business with her best friend, Chandra,...

Kate McMullan

Wheel of Misfortune (Dragon Slayers' Academy, 7)

Book Description Wiglaf, Erica, and Angus are representing DSA in the All-Schools Brain-Power Tournament! But what on Earth are they going to do about their know-it-all captain Bragwort? And how can they even stand a chance against the snobbish...

Anatole France

Les Contes de Jacques Tournebroche

Прижизненное издание. Париж, год издания не указан. Начало XX века. Издательство Calmann-Levy. Владельческий переплет. Кожаный корешок с золотым тиснением. Сохранность удовлетворительная. Раскол книжного блока. С цветными...

Роберт Асприн, Джоди Линн Най

МИФальянсы. МИФОнебылицы

Легендарная корпорация М.И.Ф. снова принимает участие в самом жульническом межгалактическом конкурсе красоты! Гвидо, Тананда и Корреш спасают Дона Брюса от конкурирующей группировки самым немыслимым образом! Ааз и Маша - судьи в самом невероятном...

Henry Brook

True Stories of Gangsters / Гангстеры. Невыдуманные истории

From Al Capone up to Neda Kell, to 11 chilling shower of histories about the most dangerous gangsters and about the world of the organized crime. The book is addressed to all fans of English language and reading of the extremely topical...

Сергей Зайцев

Все о ребенке первых трех лет жизни. Популярная энциклопедия

В энциклопедии в доступной всем, популярной форме изложены все вопросы и проблемы, связанные с рождением ребенка, уходом за ним, его развитием и воспитанием в первые три года жизни. Уникальность издания заключается в простоте изложения и в...

<<<  К. А. Войлова. Русский язык. Культура речи. Тематическая тетрадь             Р. Заллет. Дипломатическая служба >>>

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