Jonathan Rodden, Gunnar S. Eskeland, Jennie I. Litvack

Fiscal Decentralization and the Challenge of Hard Budget Constraints

In many parts of the world, lower levels of government are taking over responsibilities from national authorities. This often leads to difficulty in maintaining fiscal discipline. So-called soft budget constraints allow these subnational governments...

Javier Santiso

The Political Economy of Emerging Markets: Actors, Institutions and Crisis in Latin America

This book takes a cross-disciplinary look at the financial markets of emerging markets in Latin America. The author wants to disassemble the black box that is the financial market: what are the motivations and interests of the various actors,...

Antonio Costa Pinto, Nunio S. Teixeira, Nuno Severiano Teixeira

Southern Europe and the Making of the European Union, 1945-1980s

This collection of essays focuses on the evolution of the relationship of the European Union to its Southern members. The broader implications of the incorporation of Southern Europeans into a German-French dominated organization as well as...

Peter E. Tarlow

Event Risk Management and Safety

The collapse of the bonfire tower at Texas A&M, a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics, a food poisoning outbreak at a company picnic—each year, thousands of accidents resulting in injury, death, and significant financial loss occur at events. This...

Cliff Colby, Cheryl England

Macintosh Bible, The (9th Edition) (MACINTOSH BIBLE)

When the last edition of The Macintosh Bible was published Mac OS X was still in its infancy, the full suite of free Mac iLife apps had yet to appear, and the idea of switching from a PC to a Mac was still considered heresy by most...

Gonzalo Ferreyra Cortes, Gonzalo Ferreyra

Office XP: Paso a paso

This reference work brings all the Microsoft Office versions together-Standard, Professional and Professional Special Edition 2002. Revealing all the functions of each application-Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, FrontPage, and Publisher-it...

Icon Health Publications

Bone Cancer: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Steve Caplin

Icon Design. Graphic Icons in Computer Interface Design

Design for computer applications - whether for software, installer CDs, multimedia, or the Internet - is the newest and greatest creative the graphic designer. But what about the interface icons - those images that give a software product its...

Paul Allen, Joseph Bambara

Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for J2EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051)

The only classroom-based training and self-assessment system! This study guide provides 100% complete coverage of all objectives for the Sun Certified Architect for J2EE exam. Based on 300,000+ hours of IT training experience, the book contains...

Теория капитала и экономического роста

Учебное пособие продвинутого уровня содержит материал для углубленного изучения экономической теории. Наряду с работами известных профессоров РАН и МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова впервые на русском языке представлены труды "звезд" западной экономической...

А. Н. Разинкина

Апелляция в уголовном судопроизводстве

В монографии с учетом идей, заложенных в Концепции судебной реформы в Российской Федерации, на основании анализа УПК РФ исследованы проблемы апелляционного обжалования судебных решений, рассмотрения и разрешения уголовных дел в суде апелляционной...

<<<  Л. С. Конева. Современная энциклопедия молодой мамы             Р. Заллет. Дипломатическая служба >>>

Автосервис на дому. Ремонтируем: Hyundai Getz, Hyundai Accent. Галина Куликова. Синдром бодливой коровы Matthew MacDonald. Visual Basic 2005: A Developer's Фото Бесплатные объявления А. С. Пушкин. Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке Вики Ron Butlin. Vivaldi and the Number 3 Почта Великие мистические тайны XX века. В новой книге
Чита, Кызыл, Тюмень, Саранск, Дербент,
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