Daniele Archibugi, Jeremy Howells, Jonathan Michie

Innovation Policy in a Global Economy

Innovation and globalization are changing the nature of economic life. This book argues that the transfer and use of knowledge requires the development of appropriate institutional infrastructures. The opportunities offered by globalization will...

Mary Ellen Belfiore, Barbara Burnaby

Teaching English in the Workplace

The authors integrate ideas and examples that reflect new ways of thinking about workplace education....

James A. Christiansen

Competitive Innovation Management: Techniques to Improve Innovation Performance

The kinds of management systems typically used in large companies throw up many roadblocks to innovation. This book compares the management systems of highly innovative companies with those of more typical companies and shows how they are...

Louise Cotter

SalonOvations' Beautiful Black Styles

This exciting text was created specifically for cosmetologists seeking details on black hair care outlines techniques of styling and care for clients. Celebrated black salon professionals share their own personal styling and technical secrets to...

Graeme K. Deans, Fritz Kroeger, Stefan Zeisel

Winning the Merger Endgame: A Playbook for Profiting from Industry Consolidation

Thirteen years ago, the experts at A.T.Kearney embarked on a landmark, worldwide study of business mergers. Encompassing 25,000 companies across 24 industries in 53 countries, the study revealed much crucial information that was previously unknown...

Course ILT:Financial Management: Basic

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Tim Coelli, D. S. Prasada Rao, George E. Battese, D.S. Prasada Rao

An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

An Introduction to Efficiency and Productivity Analysis is designed as a primer for anyone seeking an authoritative introduction to efficiency and productivity analysis. It is a systematic treatment of four relatively new methodologies in...

Joseph Migga Kizza

Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics

Computer crimes and the invasion of privacy by electronic means are major concerns for many people. They threaten the future of access to information by allied uses of electronic communication media. Chapter One provides information on the...

John Prager

On Turing

This brief text assists students in understanding Turing's philosophy and thinking so they can more fully engage in useful, intelligent class dialogue and improve their understanding of course content. Part of the Wadsworth Notes Series, (which will...

Alec Nevalainen

The E-Business Dictionary: EDI, Supply Chain, and E-Procurement Terminology

The E-Business Dictionary: EDI, Supply Chain, and E-Procurement Terminology is a quick reference for all business and computer professionals. It contains short, clear explanations of words that an average professional might use or encounter...

Игорь Вагин, Антонина Глущай

Научи себя смеяться. Смехотерапия по-русски

Какой бывает юмор? Когда мы смеемся? Мы смеемся тогда, когда смеются другие, и когда смеяться нужно, чтобы стать свободным от проблем. Смех - это песня свободы. Мы можем потерпеть поражение, но нас нельзя победить, пока мы смеемся. ...

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