Laura Elizabeth Hein

Reasonable Men, Powerful Words: Political Culture and Expertise in Twentieth-Century Japan (Twentieth Century Japan the Emergence of a World Power)

Book DescriptionReasonable Men, Powerful Words traces the development of political culture in twentieth-century Japan through a social and intellectual biography of six Japanese economists who influenced national political life in significant ways....

Mavis A. Ampah

Connecting Sub-Saharan Africa: A World Bank Group Strategy for Information and Communication Technology Sector Development (World Bank Working Papers) (World Bank Working Papers)

Book DescriptionConnecting Sub-Saharan Africa outlines a strategy for information and communication technologies (ICT) development in Sub-Saharan Africa that will further the reform agenda to facilitate deployment of ICT infrastructure, and...

Michael E. Latham

Staging Growth: Modernization, Development, and the Global Cold War

Book DescriptionBeginning in the 1950s, the theory of modernization emerged as the dominant paradigm of economic, social, and political development within the American foreign policy establishment. Purporting to explain the stages through which all...

Andrzej Huczynski

Influencing Within Organizations

Book DescriptionThis book focuses on what is probably the most important organizational survival-success skill of the 21st century - influencing. It translates the most trustworthy academic studies into specific, behavioural steps for effective...

Tom Hennessey

FabJob Guide to Become a Coffee House Owner

Book DescriptionBy owning your own coffee house, you become part of a rich culture. A cafe is a place where people may meet to discuss politics, poetry, romance or rebellion. In our culture, coffee is accepted as social, affluent, and downright...

Thomas Weber

Lodz Ghetto Album : Photographs by Henryk Ross

Book Description Born in 1913, Henryk Ross was a press photographer in Poland before World War II. As a Jew, he was incarcerated by the invading Germans in the Lodz Ghetto (Poland's largest ghetto after Warsaw) where he became one of two official...

David E. Carter

Big Book of Color in Design

Book Description Few books on design address the use of color and its role as a tool that creates moods, images and emotion. Now at last The Big Book of Color in Design addresses this need, providing a rich treasure chest of ideas in its 30...

Bronzeville: Black Chicago in Pictures, 1941-1943

Book DescriptionA powerful collection of never-before-published WPA images of black Chicago's defining moment. In the 1940s, the federal government sent a group of gifted photographers across the United States to record and publicize conditions...

Theresa C. Dintino

Stories They Told Me

Book DescriptionStories They Told Me is a novel of shamanism and Goddess Spirituality set in the Bronze Age world of Minoan Crete. It is a threefold tale exploring violence against women from the perspectives of characters who live in a world where...

Paul F. Richard

Introduction to AutoCAD(R) 2006 : A Modern Perspective

Book Description This modern book addresses advances in technology and introduces students to 2- dimensional drawing skills and commands using the current release of AutoCAD. It continuously builds on...

Kristina Garlick

The Moon, the Stars, and the Night After

Have you ever fallen in love at the wrong time? And, maybe, if everything was different then it might have worked out. Have you ever wanted to be someone else? Or wish you could change yourself completely just to make the world notice you? And what...

<<<  О. С. Ефремова. Требования охраны труда при работе на ...             Charles Maclean. Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guides: Scotch ... >>>

Robert W. MacDonald. Cheat to Win: The Honest Way to Даосские секреты любви. Даосское сексуальное искусство Еремей Парнов. Еремей Парнов. Собрание сочинений в 10 томах. Том 7. Бог паутины Норман Сеймон. Шаман Toyota CROWN, CROWN MAJESTA. Модели 1991-1996 гг. выпуска. Устройство, техническое Э. В. Карасева, И. Н. Чумаченко. Ретушь и фотомонтаж в О. Н. Левшина. Современные методы обеспечения Новый сборник лучших школьных и экзаменационных Борис Тумасов. Гурко. Под стягом Российской империи P. R. Smith, Paul R. Smith. Great Answers to Tough Топ майл.ру Почта Вера Лукницкая. Николай Гумилев. Жизнь поэта по материалам Программы
Екатеринбург, Бийск, Курган, Хасавюрт, Тюмень, Коломна, Владивосток, Грозный, Орехово-Зуево, Абакан, Майкоп, Пятигорск, Первоуральск, Коломна,
Футбол| Хирургия| Аэробика| Авантюрные приключения| Дизайн| Физика| Мультипликационные сериалы| История средних веков. Эпоха Возрождения| Теннис| Электроника. Танцевальная музыка| Борьба и восточные единоборства| Черный юмор| Дошкольное воспитание| Языкознание. Филологические науки| Дизайн| Автомобиль| Средний и малый бизнес| Арабский, турецкий, иврит| Психология и социология менеджмента| Видеоуроки и обучающие программы| Фондовый рынок| Основы музыки| Любовь и эротика| Христианство| Мелодрамы| Персоналия| Видеопрограммы о животных| Предпринимательство| Промышленность. Энергетика| Астрология| Медицина. Здравоохранение| История| Комедии| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| История| Культура. Культурология|
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