Constance S. Hawke, Constance S. Hawke

Computer and Internet Use on Campus: A Legal Guide to Issues of Intellectual Property, Free Speech, and Privacy

"A comprehensive, well-written, interesting, and informative guide to technology and Internet use on campus. Everyone—from administrators who oversee and manage computer networks, to faculty interested in distance learning, to student affairs...

Jacques Dreze

Advances in Macroeconomic Theory (International Economic Association Conference Volume No. 133)

Leading scholars analyze a range of specific departures from general equilibrium theory which have significant implications for the macroeconomic analysis of both developed and developing economies. Jacques Dreze considers uncertainty and...

Russell L. Ackoff

The Democratic Corporation: A Radical Prescription for Recreating Corporate America and Rediscovering Success

We all know that American business needs fixing, and there is no shortage of prescriptions: imitate the Japanese, or follow the example of successful firms, or practice right-sizing. But these approaches do not work very well, says Russell Ackoff,...

John Kador

201 Best Questions to Ask on Your Interview

Asking the right questions can help job seekers ace the interview and land that job. The most critical question job interviewers ask is often the last one. That's when they lean forward and say, "Do you have any questions?" As author John Kador...

William J. Bond

Going Solo

"You'll never get rich working for someone else." No one knows this better than William J. Bond. His popular Home-Based Business series has shown thousands how to successfully operate mail order, catalog, and newsletter businesses from home. Now...

Raffaello Cervigni

Biodiversity in the Balance: Land Use, National Development and Global Welfare

?Recognising that international policy-makers are increasingly shifting away from the approach to biodiversity conservation that seeks to protect large, relatively undisturbed ecosystems, Raffaello Cervigni offers us a way to think about land...

Wendy Leebov, Gail Scott

The Indispensable Health Care Manager : Success Strategies for a Changing Environment (Jossey-Bass Health Series)

In our competitive health care environment, managers need a variety of skills to excel in the diverse roles they are expected to perform. The Indispensable Health Care Manager offers managers the vital information and tools they need to...

Frank Catalano, Bud E. Smith

Internet Marketing for Dummies

This update to Marketing Online for Dummies includes all of the great topics from the original book, plus an additional focus, Internet advertising, a very hot topic. The right Internet advertising campaign can cost very little and make a...

Jill Moran

How to Start a Home-Based Event Planning Business

This insider's handbook reveals how to start a successful business planning a wide variety of events from home. Topics covered include purchasing equipment and supplies, writing a business plan, working with caterers and other service...

Максим Стишов, Евгений Костюченко

Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво...

Что может быть более захватывающим, чем история любви молодой самостоятельной женщины? Только любовные похождения четверых закадычных подруг! Основой телеромана "Бальзаковский возраст, или Все мужики сво…" стал одноименный сценарий...

Е. И. Соколова

Дневник развития ребенка от 3 до 4 лет

Дети обладают разными способностями и склонностями, поэтому развиваются по-разному. В дневнике рассматривается типичный, усредненный вариант развития. Ваши изменения, дополнения, поправки сделают эту книгу личным дневником развития Вашего малыша. ...

<<<  Франсуа Вийон. Франсуа Вийон. Предуказанье. ...             Charles Maclean. Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guides: Scotch ... >>>

Г. Б. Петухов, В. И. Якунин. Методологические основы внешнего Йозеф Штефко, Ладислав Райнпрехт. Современное Смекалочка. Электровикторина для детей. Эта игра - А. В. Киселев. Сталинский фаворит с Лубянки Mimi Colligan. Canvas Documentaries: Panoramic Entertainments Вакансии ДМОЗ Билайн Жюль Верн. Пятнадцатилетний капитан Вакансии CLAUDE CHALLE PRESENTS:. THE R.E.G. PROJECT. Исполнитель: Finn Jackson. The Escher Cycle : Creating Поиск работы Яхо Программы Билайн
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