Владимир Игнатьев

Как выжить в большом городе. Уроки поведения в экстремальных ситуациях

В книге даются полезные советы о том, как вести себя в экстремальной ситуации и что делать, если вы оказались жертвой мошенничества, воровства, бандитизма, вымогательства, обнаружили за собой слежку или стали заложником. Рассказано, как защититься...

Александр Левин

Windows - это очень просто!

Книга А.Левина - автора популярных самоучителей работы на компьютере - из серии `Компьютер - это очень просто!` посвящена операционной системе Windows. Эту книгу отличает свободный стиль, лаконичность и ясность изложения. В ней рассмотрены приемы...

Василий Голованов

Время чаепития

Василия Голованова называют анархистом в литературе - неслучайно его первая книга была о Махно, следующая - "Остров" - носит подзаголовок "оправдание бессмысленных путешествий". "Время чаепития" - и продолжение этой "неправильной прозы", и попытка...

Walter Adams, James W. Brock

The Bigness Complex: Industry, Labor, and Government in the American Economy

"The Bigness Complex" confronts head-on the myth that organizational giantism leads to economic efficiency and well-being in the modern age. On the contrary, it demonstrates how bigness undermines our economic productivity and progress, endangers...

Steven K. Vogel

Freer Markets, More Rules: Regulatory Reform in Advanced Industrial Countries (Cornell Studies in Political Economy)

"The best published account so far of the reforms of the stock markets in the United Kingdom."--Sir Nicholas Goodison, Deputy Chairman, Lloyds TSB Group, plc. "A simple suggestion: anyone who cares to comment on Japan's commitment to...

Hans Lofgren

Food, Agriculture, and Economic Policy in the Middle East and North Africa

This volume brings together a set of studies analyzing different aspects of food and agriculture in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). This sector is of crucial importance to the MENA economies, especially in terms of employment. Agriculture...

Carlo Carraro, Domenico Siniscalco

Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment (Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (Feem) Series on Economics, Ene)

The European Union faces several interlinked challenges: how to protect the environment and enhance sustainability; how to reduce unemployment and enhance competitiveness in the context of growing globalization; how to reduce regional disparities...

Arthur Oyola-Yemaiel

The Early Conservation Movement in Argentina and the National Park Service : A Brief History of Conservation, Development, Tourism and Sovereignty


Denise Leith

The Politics of Power: Freeport in Suharto's Indonesia

Even as Major General Suharto consolidated his power in the bloodletting of the mid-sixties, Freeport-McMoRan, the American transnational mining company, signed a contract with the new military regime, the first foreign company to do so. Today, in...

Jeff Tapper, James Talbot, Robin Haffner

Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript 2.0 (Voices That Matter)

Master the principles of object-oriented programming as it is used with the most recent version of ActionScripting. This book is designed to provide readers with an understanding of object-oriented programming, ActionScript 2.0, and the...

Ted Holt, Fred A. Kulack, Fred Kulack

Qshell for iSeries

From the basics of programming in the Qshell on iSeries to complete coverage of previously undocumented topics, programmers will not only learn the Qshell more easily than they can with the Qshell manual from IBM, they will also learn practical...

<<<  Флавий Филострат. Жизнь Аполлония Тианского             Charles Maclean. Mitchell Beazley Pocket Guides: Scotch ... >>>

Гого Работа Д. С. Лихачев. Текстология Лучано Мекаччи. Случай Мэрилин М. и другие провалы Daniel James. Resistance and Integration: КМ Яндекс Путешествия
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