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Топтыжка следит за чистотой. Книжка с многоразовыми наклейками
Для чтения взрослыми детям....
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Буало Буало. Поэтическое искусство
Книга продается без суперобложки. "Поэтическое искусство" Буало, служившее на протяжении многих десятков лет предметом жарких споров, сыграло большую роль в истории не только французской, но и всей мировой литературы. Великолепные стихи,...
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Karen I. Vaughn Austrian Economics in America: The Migration of a Tradition (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics)
This book examines the development of the ideas of the new Austrian school from its beginnings in Vienna in the 1870s to the present. It focuses primarily on showing how the coherent theme that emerges from the thought of Carl Menger, Ludwig von...
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John L. Ward Craig E. Aronoff Preparing Your Family Business for Strategic Change
Strategies for family firms, unlike those of other businesses, can and should incorporate family factors. Responsible and disciplined strategic integration of family and business goals, strengths and values produces powerful results. Growth,...
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Gianluca Fiorentini, Sam Peltzman The Economics of Organized Crime
This book uses economic theory to analyze the different aspects of organized crime. The theory of rent-seeking is adopted to help understand the origin of criminal organizations, while modern industrial organization theory is used to explain the...
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Bruce W. Piasecki, Kevin A. Fletcher, Frank J. Mendelson Environmental Management and Business Strategy : Leadership Skills for the 21st Century
What Makes Business Initiatives Regarding the Environment Succeed or Fail? With this book you'll gain the necessary skills to develop an effective corporate environmental strategy. It is organized around three classic global needs shared by both...
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Marianne M. Jennings Business Its Legal Ethical and Global Environment, Study Guide
Provides superior legal ethical and regulatory coverage while fully integrating legal principles with business practices....
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Catherine V. Jeremko, Cathy Jeremko Just in Time Math (Rookie Read-About Science)
This "Cram" series serves the reader who needs to review and learn specific material in a short period of time for the purpose of passing an important test, such as an exit exam, admissions test, vocational exam, or certification exam. In ten...
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Ram Reddy, Sabine Reddy Supply Chains to Virtual Integration
Based on the infrastructure provided by internet technologies, fundamental changes are occurring in the way firms design, assemble, deliver and support products and services. These changes have the potential to produce dramatic cost savings...
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David Phillips On-Line Public Relations
This is the only PR and internet book that manages to bridge the gap between action and analysis, as well as contain information for different levels of internet practitioner. Contents include: Internet effect on PR practice, advanced...
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Joseph C. Brown Above Only and Anxious For Nothing
This book is a collection of innovative and powerful wealth building principles, presented in an easy-to-understand conversational format. Written for a wide audience, it includes common sense guidelines for people of all income levels, and timely...
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Домой Л. А. Чибиров. Традиционная духовная культура осетин
Mozart. Le Nozze Di Figaro. Bertrand De Billy (3
Российская газета
Running Wild. Rogues En Vogue (Limited Edition). Представляем
А. Прозоров. Масло чайного дерева. Уникальные рецепты здоровья и
Дейвид Д. Буш. Цифровая фотография. Руководство по созданию
Ellen Stern. Gracie Mansion : A Celebration of New York City's
А. В. Голышева, В. Н. Корнеев. Excel 2007 без воды. Все, что нужно для уверенной
Поглазова О.Т., Шилин В.Д.. Окружающий мир: Учебник для 3 класса:
Е. И. Замятин. Е. И. Замятин. Избранное (аудиокнига CD)
D. Harlan Wilson. Stranger on the Loose
Г. В. Железняк. Самое интересное о... космосе
Lamb Of God. Killadelphia (CD + DVD). Представляем живой
Ensemble Classique. Brassissimo - The Best Of Ensemble Class. Исполнитель:
Тверь, Тобольск, Абакан, Орёл, Ухта, Железнодорожный, Йошкар-Ола, Ачинск, Уфа, Владикавказ, Королёв, Находка, Шахты, Курск, Москв, Златоуст, Тула, Рыбинск, Новомосковск, Псков, Копейск, Южно-Сахалинск, Ставрополь,
Индийские видеоклипы| Аэробика| Индийские мелодрамы|
книги бестселлер, иностранная литература, техническая литература, книжная ярмарка, книги доставка почтой, |