
Похождения Рокамболя. В двух томах. Том 1

Настоящее сочинение французского писателя Понсон-дю-Террайля - уголовно авантюрный роман с благородными героями, гордыми красавицами, отпетыми мошенниками и коварными злодеями. Стремительность событий, накал страстей, похищения и дуэли, тайны,...

William K. Tabb

Economic Governance in the Age of Globalization

Book Description Tabb argues that global economic institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund constitute a nascent international state for which all previous models of sovereignty, accountability and equity are...

Frontiers in Health Policy Research : Volume 6 (Frontiers in Health Policy Research)

Book DescriptionThis important series presents timely economic research on health care and health policy issues. Each volume contains papers from an annual conference of researchers, government officials, and policy experts held in Washington, D.C....

Gerald Keller

Statistics for Management and Economics (with InfoTrac and CD-ROM)

Book Description This worldwide best-selling business statistics text teaches students how to apply statistics to real business problems through the author's unique three-step approach to problem solving. Students learn to IDENTIFY the right...

Stanley Winer

Political Economy and Public Finance: The Role of Political Economy in the Theory and Practice of Public Economics

Book DescriptionThere is a long-standing difference among public economists between those who think that collective choice must be formally acknowledged, and those who derive their policy recommendations from a social planning framework in which...

Photography's Other Histories (Objects/Histories)

Book DescriptionMoving the critical debate about photography away from its current Euro-American center of gravity, Photography?s Other Histories breaks with the notion that photographic history is best seen as the explosion of a Western...

Nicholas J. Saunders

Trench Art : Materialities and Memories of War

Book Description Trench art is the evocative name given to a dazzling array of objects made from the waste of industrialized war. Each object, whether an engraved shell case, cigarette lighter or a pen made from shrapnel, tells a unique and...

Chris Claremont, Alan Davis, Andy Park

Uncanny X-Men - The New Age Vol. 2: The Cruelest Cut

Wolverine's 30th Anniversary Celebration starts off with a bang as the X-Men investigate a series of mysterious murders in New York City. All the victims seem to have been cut to pieces by blades...Adamantium blades! But if Wolverine didn't murder...

Igor Marjanovic

Practical Experience, First Edition : An Architecture Student's Guide to Internship and the Year Out (Architectural Students Handbooks)

Book DescriptionThe year out, or internship, in a professional practice can be the most rewarding experience in an architectural student's education. It can also be a shock to the system to find that architectural working practices are very...

Serge Vaudenay

A Classical Introduction to Cryptography : Applications for Communications Security

Book DescriptionA Classical Introduction to Cryptography: Applications for Communications Security introduces fundamentals of information and communication security by providing appropriate mathematical concepts to prove or break the security...

Mantak Chia, William U. Wei

Sexual Reflexology: Activating the Taoist Points of Love

The most powerful reflex points on the body are on the sexual organs. While the practice of reflexology is normally associated with massage of the feet, in Sexual Reflexology Mantak Chia gives applications for using the sexual reflex points...

<<<  Менеджмент, маркетинг и экономика образования. ...             Wayland Pickard. Complete Singer's Guide to Becoming a Working ... >>>

Ливе Виталий Шевченко. Что вам мешает быть здоровым Вакансии И. С. Розенталь. Провокатор. Роман Малиновский: Полина Грекова. Референт Н. Ф. Ефимова. Г. А. Маховикова. Финансовый менеджмент А. Жабинский, А. Орлов. Трое в Трое Ю. Л. Гуманова, В. А. Королева-МакАри, М. Л. Свешникова, М. П. Шерстнев. Кто правит нами: психология управленцев РБК
Прокопьевск, Саранск, Пермь, Норильск, Элиста, Каменск-Уральский, Подольск,
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