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Lawrence F. Locke, Dolly Lambdin Putting Research to Work in Elementary Physical Education: Conversations in the Gym
? Features 30 clear summaries of studies on elementary physical education instruction, class management, program design, workplace conditions, and more ? Includes practical tips for navigating the typical research report to improve the...
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David McAmis Professional Crystal Reports for Visual Studio .NET, 2nd Edition
What is this book about? The addition of Crystal Reports 9.0 to Visual Studio .NET 2003 offers developers a reporting tool that allows you to turn almost any data into interactive, dynamic content through portals, wireless devices,...
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Alan Dennis Networking in the Internet Age
This text is appropriate for those courses with an emphasis on e-commerce and the Internet, as well as short courses or MBA/IS courses that want a modern approach. Networking has changed dramatically over the past ten years. Most texts have focused...
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Chuck Easttom Learn Vb.Net
When Visual Basic was introduced in 1991, it revolutionized Windows programming. The latest version of Visual Basic, VB.NET, continues that trend, and now has all the power and functionality of other mainstream languages. Learn VB.NET covers all...
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Adam Engst Eudora 4.2 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide (2nd Edition)
In just a few short years, email has gone from the domain of the technological avant-garde to a mainstay of business and personal communication. The leader in this competitive market is Qualcomm's Eudora. Whether you use the free,...
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Fore June Windows Fan, Linux Fan: A True Story About a Spiritual Battle Between a Windows Fan and a Linux Fan
In 1996, a Windows fan and a Linux fan each started an Internet company. One used Windows to provide services while the other used Linux systems to serve customers. They competed against each other and ran the businesses with completely different...
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72 - dpi
72 dpi is our collection of revolutionary web designs in book form. The Internet's rapid development constantly demands new, ingenious web designs that bind the user to the website for as long as possible in order to provide him/her with contents...
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Acisp '9, Ed Dawson, Colin Boyd Information Security and Privacy: Third Australasian Conference, Acisp'98, Brisbane, Australia, July 13-15, 1998 : Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1438)
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Third Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP'98, held in Brisbane, Australia, in Kuly 1998. The volume presents 35 revised full papers selected from a total of 66...
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James S. Albus, Alexander M. Meystel, James S. Albus Engineering of Mind: An Introduction to the Science of Intelligent Systems
Presenting a reference model architecture for the design of intelligent systems Engineering of Mind presents the foundations for a computational theory of intelligence. It discusses the main streams of investigation that will eventually...
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Rohan Coelho, Maher Hawash DirectX(R), RDX, RSX, and MMX(TM) Technology: A Jumpstart Guide to High Performance APIs
Until now multimedia developers had to program directly to hardware in order to maximize application performance. DirectX, RDX, RSX, and MMX technology are new advancements that enable programmers to write applications that take advantage of...
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Анатолий Алексин Анатолий Алексин. Собрание сочинений. Том 2. Под чужим именем
Во второй том собрания сочинений Анатолия Алексина вошли как классические, давно любимые читателем произведения ("Безумная Евдокия", "А тем временем где-то...", "Поздний ребенок", "Прости меня, мама..." и др.), так и новые ("Предатели", "Чужой...
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Домой Вакансии
Arthur Nezu, Christine Nezu, Diwakar Jain. The
Поиск майл.ру
John Brunner. The Sheep Look Up
О компьютерах
Michal S. Gal. Competition Policy for Small Market
Margie Palatini. Earthquack!
Sandra D. Schlotzhauer, Ramon C. Littell. SAS
Н. П. Зелепукин. Словарь шахматной композиции
Уссурийск, Нефтекамск, Москва , Рязань, Псков, Воронеж, Рыбинск, Королёв, Междуреченск, Подольск, Ачинск, Златоуст, Петрозаводск, Магнитогорск, Благовещенск, Рубцовск, Мытищи, Кострома, Орехово-Зуево, Калуга, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Курган, Ковров,
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